martinelli's is one of my favorite beverage companies
10:51 p.m. - 2006-01-29

been a while, eh?

lotsa stuff is new. hopefully heading into massage therapy in the fall, as i may have mentioned before. that's exciting.

i'm going to give waitressing a try at the restaurant. wish me luck, cuz i'm way nervous about it, even though all the other waiters keep telling me that hostessing is so much harder than serving. and oh baby, if i get good at it, i could be making $70-$120 each serving shift. that much money for about 2 or 3 hours of work? count me in, yo.

rachel's coming to visit next month and ben's mom and stepdad are coming in march! yay for visitors!

ben and i have started taking salsa dancing lessons on friday nights in SF with our friends joe and carolyn and victor. the lessons last about an hour and then we all go hang out together the rest of the night. this past friday night we watched a bunch of the failed joss whedon show "firefly." very fun!! and i got to see a kitty cat named pete.

ben's and my anniversary is today! four years, baby, that's right. we rule and i still love him more than chocolate.

speaking of chocolate, i made chocolate-strawberry fondue earlier and oh my goodness, it is glorious. ironically enough, i made it with my date. yes, i had a date today, because ben and i didn't really think about our anniversary until it was *poof* on top of us. kinda like forgetting somebody's birthday. i had a date with keith today while ben went hiking in one of CA's redwood forests. he had a good, muddy time, and my date went so well that it was almost ridiculous. i haven't felt that feeling of new excitement in the form of a makeout session in...well...4 years, with ben. cesar was more of a "you let me kiss you, therefore you want sex right now" kind of guy. and shahin...ugh. that was a regrettable experience if there ever was one. keith isn't like them. he's sweet, considerate, and cute as a button. yay!

so anyway...great day. and you know what else? i want some sparkling apple juice. good thing i've got a bottle in the refrigerator, eh?


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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford