i say, "pizza and a movie?" he says, "house with a white picket fence?"
12:00 p.m. - 2006-02-06

i had a weird weekend.

keith picked me up around 1am on sunday morning because he's very spontaneous and he randomly decided it'd be awesome if, instead of me going on sunday afternoon, that he and i hang out from 2am on and we watch the sunrise from a mountain side. sounded romantic/sexy, so i said i was in, and after he'd picked me up and we'd hung out in SF with a friend of his for a while, we dropped that dude off and headed up to the mountain. it was indeed very nice and romantic and sexy, full of snuggling and such. but then he started talking about "how nice it would be if we were old and had kids."

brakes, please?

we had a long talk about it yesterday (this being after the superbowl party that i went with him to, which was totally awful). keith isn't a creepy guy...he's just really lonely. he's been with a lot of women (like...a lot) and they never worked out for more than a couple of months. he wants a life partner, but i already have one. i felt awful, because i really thought i had been clear about my relationship with ben, and what i was looking for elsewhere. i was wrong, and things were foggy, i guess. he said not to feel bad because, after all, he came into his knowing that i was with someone already. but he said he'd thought things might eventually change between me and ben, leaving me, well, ripe for the taking or whatever.

i don't know what is going to happen between us now. we'll be friends, for sure, but i don't know if he'll be able to be around me without being upset from now on because he really hoped that he had found "the one." so, friends with benefits? friends without benefits? friends without ever hanging out? any of those are possible outcomes, and i told him i wouldn't call him for a while so he could think about it without me calling and causing potential confusion.

i'm definitely done with dating. if things work out with keith, great, if not, okay. but either way, i'm not going to seek out anyone else for a loooong time, if ever again.

i think it's time for pizza and a buffy episode or two, because it's muh day off! YAHOO.

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford