4:51 p.m. - 2006-06-29

i'm way tired right now. it's partially the heat and partially that the restaurant was oodles of busy today. the past few days we've only done 80 covers or less, and then today was like *BAM* 160 covers.

also, cesar was nearly fired today, which would have been a joyous event for me. but alas, it appears that he'll be with us for a while longer...pissing us all off until finally the owner grows the balls to throw him to the curb. or until everyone quits because of him. whichever comes first.

joellen told me some things that don was saying about me today as well, and now i find myself just wanting to have it out with don. but i can't, because the things he said were said to joellen, not me. so confronting him about it would only serve to get her into trouble. but honestly, what the hell does it take to be respected and trusted by that guy? i do my absolute best everyday and take on so many more tasks than the other two hostesses do, and yet here i am, getting talked about behind my back. punching bag, please?

kim's dick-of-a-boyfriend kicked her out of the house so i've been helping her get back on her feet. it's good and all and i'm happy to help, but my friendship with kim has always been so strange. like, i feel as though we're only really friends when she needs something. maybe because she's 30-something and i'm only 22. *shrug* and i offered to let her stay here for a couple of days until she moves into her new apartment but she declined, even though she HATES the temporary place she's in now because it's dirty, has ants, and is right underneath neighbors who blast their music so loud that the walls and floor vibrate. no, she says, she'll just stick it out there. i've also offered to let her borrow my apartment key between her shifts so she can go someplace close by and take a nap, since the temp place she's at now is a 30 minute drive away. "no thanks," she says, "i wouldn't be able to sleep anyway." yet she drives the 30 minutes to the skanky apartment to try to sleep. then karolina, another coworker (who's 27), offered to let kim stay with her. now kim is staying at karolina's house. i'm not mad, but i'm a little hurt and insulted because my place isn't good enough for kimberly to even nap in. it could also be because i'm younger. i don't know. i feel dumb right now, though. and ridiculous, for thinking about this so much. plus i don't get to hang out with her kitty tomorrow, who was going to stay here until kim had gotten all of her stuff into the new place. i can't describe what it is that bothers me about the feeling between kim and i. it's off somehow. always off.

i'm read for a while. and partake of some grapes. yum.

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford