"the power of cheese compells you!"
23:48:52 - 2000-10-14

a'ight. so, i went to the movies with ben and karie tonight and saw The Exorcist and you know what? it was scary as hell. i was terrified. it was scarier than the original because there were previously unreleased scenes added. *shivers* like the one with her...ahhhh, i don't wanna think about it, i'm totally gonna have nightmares as it is. GEEZ.

the car wash, the car wash. let me tell you all about the car wash. this was a band fundraiser. my shift began at 8:45am and was supposed to end at 11. i got there on time. the chick who was supposed to supply the hose, though? she was not on time. in fact. she did not show up at all because she was reffing a soccer(?) game and didn't think to tell anyone about the hose situation. *ah HEM* stoopid biotch. aaanyway, half an hour later, we managed to obtain a hose from another source. all was peachy. at 11:40 i ran across the intersections to oscar's, where i ran into the bathroom and changed out of my soaking, grubby jeans, into some nice dry khakis. work.was.very.busy. yes. all four hours. and by the way, what is up with that? why do i have mickey mouse shifts now? a vampire would totally say "bluh" right now.

i told penarino that there was going to be a party at my house. but there isn't now. my mom talked to me about it. she told me why she didn't want the party here and you know what? she has good reasons. besides, it's her house, so who am i to just plan a party? good call. so, yeah, that's a negative on the party being here, sarah.

i had sarah and karie over last night. then we summoned ben, so he came over for a while. it was dumb. no, for real...it was dumb. we had no idea what to do with ourselves so we wound up watching The Labrynth. it is a great film, of course, but i would have preferred to have a nice 4-way conversation, had i been able to think of a topic.

my hair smells nice. yay.

hmmm...i guess that's all's i gots for now.

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford