mmmmmmmWA, i love you all!
11:25:19 - 2000-10-22

hey everyone! things are going much better today.

i talked to my folks about my asshole boss, and they are all for me quitting if i don't get the raise. and you know what? so am i. burger king is hiring all of the time. i don't care how bad the actual work is. they pay more than $5.50 and i don't want to deal with the drama. matt felt really bad about making more than me. i just smiled and told him he didn't need to feel bad; it isn't him i'm upset with. matt is a great worker, i don't doubt that he deserves to make $6.50. but the fact is that when ron hired me, he told me, "well, i see that you made $6/hour at your last job. we always start everyone out at $5.50 here, but if you are doing a good job, you'll receive a raise," and yet 4 months later, matt walks in and ron says, "ah, i see you made $6.50 at your last job. we'll just start you out at that rate." THAT PISSES ME OFF. dad thinks i could take ron to court for this. even if i about NO? blah, hehe. this is it, though. if i confront ron about a raise and he tries to back out of it, i'm giving my notice.

i had a dream last night that i was in a pet store. puppies everywhere. what a great dream! then i was *poof* at some college or college fair, and there was a guy there. he was interested in me or something, and he came to sit with me at some point. he said he was the friend of one of my ex's, and he wanted me to give him a chance. he was adorable...i think i ended up saying yes.

REX'S LEG IS BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm going to ask my folks to take me out for that pizza today, since i didn't get it last night. or lobster. mmm!!!! we had seafood chowder at work last night. i wanted some and matt was disgusted and said, "eww, why don't you just lick the ocean? it would taste the same!" hehe. matt is funny.

i need a shower. ooo, that will feel so good. you know what i realized yesterday? i have virtually no happy albums in my possession. tori amos, fiona apple, silverchair, tool...i really do need some happy albums! any suggestions, folks? i haven't bought any new cds for a while. i think it's time i did.

well, this jolly duck needs a warm, steamy shower. after which, i will say..."fuckin' hand me a towel, mr. tangerine speedo!" HA!

love and oreos for all,


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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford