15:55:55 - 2000-11-02

sarah's diary was here, then it wasn't, and now it is again! "...and there was MUCH rejoicing!" hehe.

vanilla ice cream + hershey's chocolate syrup = yum

i am becoming a little upset about my physics capabilities. everytime we do a lab now, i'm lost. today was no exception. i don't understand HOW i don't understand, either. i was fine with vectors in precal. why can't i deal with them now?

i'm glad tomorrow is friday, and i'm glad i will have band the last period of the day, and and and...yeah. oh, so here is my schedule for next week:

monday: senior skip day
tuesday: no school (elections)
wednesday: "yes, ok, i'll go to school today."
thursday: " "
friday: "hmmm, i don't feel like going to school on this day. i think i'm going to stay home this day too!" hehe. actually i have next friday off. kick ass. lots and lots of ass.

my lower back is kinda sore. all that dance practice last night. must have been. i like it, though. i was observing the situation last night, too, and i don't think i look as demented as i'd feared. (yay!)

i'm hooked on Brave New World now. megan, you're right. bernard is becoming a jerk. i sympathize with hemholtz. i want lenina to end up with john because he's in love with her and she seems to like him. but she probably just wants to fark him, so there isn't much hope for a real future there. *sigh*

so that's all i have to say. i'm irritable today and i don't know why. the day went well enough...hmmm. odd. oh well, bye.

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford