"i need a stiff drink" - penarino
12:27:03 - 2000-11-06

hey all. no school for allieoopa, she's-a skippin'. gonna go out to lunch with mom. then i'ma come home and hang out and have the house to muhself. allllll day, man. i love solitude sometimes. i'm dressed up and i don't know why. just felt like it, i guess. unfortunately, i don't want to go out in this outfit but i have no choice because i haven't washed any of my jeans. oh no! hehe. mmm, yeah, i wanna wear jeans and my syracuse sweatshirt. comfy comfy comfy.

i want to paint! i had an excellent dream last night, in which i had small canvases and i couldn't stop painting random, abstract pictures and outlining everything with thin black lines and being so proud of them.

when i'm really upset sometimes, i pound soft things and blast tool albums and bawl my eyes out. the next morning, i can't shed a tear if i was to even try. does this happen to anyone else? does it mean i'm cured each time or that i'm nuts?

jason didn't e-mail mom on her birthday. what a jerk. it would have taken him less than 5 minutes and he couldn't even do it. i ought to e-mail him and bitch him out for it.

well well well...gotta go, i s'pose.

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford