11:55 a.m. - 2001-08-10

ohhhhhhh diary. it's so hot out.

lindsey was being a freak and a half last night at work. she had a little ice cream and from that point on, she was giggling, dancing, skipping everywhere, and just acting like a 5-year-old in general. she was following me everywhere and would randomly spell out my name. it was entertaining for a while there, but once it started getting busy and she still didn't calm down, i wanted to beat her.

my brother won tickets to the warped tour and called in sick at work yesterday to go. he said it wasn't all that great, though, because of the heat.

a seagull keeps eating my dog's food.

i went out with some friends on tuesday night. pizza hut, oscar g's, and a brief visit to the beach, where a stupid biker cop decided to hassle us so he could get a better look at megan and sarah. biker cops. ugh.

my head feels weird. i don't exactly have a headache, i just feel pressure. darned heat. it's looks cloudy out. i hope we have a massive thunderstorm, so i can't go to work, just have to hang out here all night and read by candlelight, listening to my discman. *it'll be shweeeeeeeet!*

kisses and candlelight,


p.s. i saw a toby puppy at DQ last night, and it was the cutest thing in the world, fluffy and everything!

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford