how do you like my egg, misto stwongbaaad?
12:01 a.m. - 2004-04-29


what's that, you wonder? what happens on july 20th??? well i'll TELL you! i'm moving to the other side of the country! holy frijoles! yep. we finally picked a date.

today we went to wal-mart, linen&things and filene's with a notebook and jotted down necessary items to puchase when we get there, along with their prices, rounded up a little. not including a television (as we may wind up taking the one in ben's room right now if we've got room), the cost comes to about $400. that's maine's cost, but we'll be rounding up again later. i feel a lot less nervous now, as i'd been worried that $10,000 would disappear almost immediately once we got out there. after all, that's what my mom and ben's mom had been saying. but i think the truth of the matter is that, for example, they would be buying ceramic plates instead of the plastic (and completely functional & durable!) ones ben and i will be buying. and i found out last night that i'm getting $564 in tax refunds, so that'll go toward the maine-california gas fund.

now i've gotta write down my last day on the calender at work. i'm thinking july 4th...ben and i want to spend about a week out at the island, if possible, and give ourselves a solid week for the cross-country drive. no rushing. so that's the scoop on the plan.

tomorrow i'm hanging out with jessica and going to a starbucks drinkin' party at night, where i won't be consuming a single drop of alcohol and will instead be snacking on the yummy peanut butter chocolate chip bars i intend to bake for the get-together. it's a wild life i live, baby...a wild, wild life.

i love you, benji. i love you more than chocolate and jane auel books and final fantasy. way more. and just so you know, i'm not really into collin farrel...he could never compare to you.

l p n

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford