day after xmas
18:06:31 - 1999-12-26

hello hello hello. it's december 26th now, yes it is. today has been an o.k.'s feeling better, so that's good. i mean, it was crazy, she had this 24 hour hangover. that's downright kooky, if you ask me.

dad's being a jerk. tonight he told me i'm his problem and last night when i told him i was having a really horrible day, he didn't even care to ask why. nice, huh? yeah i know a few entries ago i said he was being cool. but he's gone back to his old ways apparently- be an asshole to the daughter because you don't understand her. this is starting out to be one helluva vacation.

hey i saw Bug's Life in my last 2 english classes before vaca and it was hilarious! the fat caterpillar is greeeeat! "yes i am flying, and from up here you all look like tiny ants!" hehehehe funny funny. me likes.

i get to wear another pair of new pjs tonight! Old Navy. woohoo!

i watched the Out of Towners on the DVD this morning. good movie. dad said the old one was way better. oh well. it's still good.

well dad went to bed now so i'm having a very nice night , talking to my friends. (c: and....this is taking up too much of my concentration so i'll catch ya later everyone!

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford