"my candyland melted down to syrup as i watch the water roll down" (soft serve)
07:22:13 - 2000-03-26

i went to the play last night. it was wonderful!! MUCH better than last year's. i was really impressed. and way to go, gobes..."got class, got class, the guy says the horse has class." woohoo! mariah did a great job too. do more happy plays! *under milkwood* = eh. *guys & dolls* = YEEHAA!!!

so that was the good news. heya be da bad news, mon- i sick. it's better than it was last night tho, i could hardly breathe when i woke up sometime last night. kinda scary. my throat kills and i lost my voice (it's back now) and i was getting really hot cuz i was freaking at how dry and painful swallowing was. oh well. i hate being sick. i hope this is better by tomorrow. i'm thinking that 3 hours of blowing through my flute might not be good for me.

i'm obsessed with this soul coughing song- *soft serve*. i have it on repeat and i am not getting sick of it. it's just the perfect summer song.

it's beautiful outside, warm and a little breezy. let it stay this way forever.

i am on a disney kick. i watched *aladdin* yesterday and *beauty & the beast* today. i like magical movies. i think every disney movie should involve magic. this is why *fox & the hound* isn't a very popular movie. one time tink and i went to the disney store and there was this customer having an intellectual conversation with an employee about how evil all of the disney villains really weren't, but for frolo from *hunchback of notre dame*. her argument was that every other villain knew what they were doing was evil, whereas frolo thought he was carrying out god's work. she spent a lot of time on this, methinks. and the employee...well, i couldn't tell if he was just pretending to be interested to keep his job, wanted to date her, or was genuinely into what she was saying. i was amused.

gargling warm salt water,


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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford