yawn yawn yawn
13:15:53 - 2000-09-04

this is my first day off i get this weekend. and the long weekend ends after today. oh well. work was cool poop last night because it wasn't busy at all. kevin and i just sat around talking for a couple of hours. oh, the child from hell came in today. this 13 year old asswipe who ordered a medium hot fudge sundae with nuts and rainbow jimmies and caramel. apparently jason is illiterate because caramel is not on the sign. why do people stare at the sign for 10 minutes and then order something that isn't on the sign? it astounds me. really. so anyhoo, kevin makes it with everything but caramel and the kid stares at it like it's dirt, and says, "i didn't order that." and kevin goes, "yeah...medium hot fudge sundae..." and the kid goes, "no, i wanted CARAMEL" and kevin looked like he was gonna throw it at him. and why not? the kid deserved it. that was the worst part of the night, and the only bad part. i read another story of kevin's. an inspirational, religious short story. i enjoyed it. it made me smile.

just a few days until the big 17. oh my.

i have to purchase a graphing calculater today. and paper. and maybe a couple of new folders. i have some homework to do today. it feels horrible to be saying that again, but it could be worse. i wanna drop physics. i really do. can i? i mean, will it look really, really bad on the college application if i do? hmmm. i will investigate this matter.

my computer is screwed up and isn't playing song files. i fear i may have messed something up when i tried to listen to logan's song last night (in vain). oh well...jason'll fix it when he gets back from castleton. he went up there yesterday with some friends, no doubt to party. cool.

funny, i was genuinely expecting this to turn out as an interesting entry. aye, me. well...bye. hehehe.

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford