"hey al, maybe your other one is for cream cheese!"
16:03:58 - 2000-09-06

my hair smells bee-u-tiful. in other news, i don't appreciate IMing people and not being responded to. or those people just leaving in mid-conversation. it is incredibly rude. i'm just not going IM those certain people anymore if this continues. to hell with them.

sean, i tried to e-mail you a gagillion (3) times and it didn't work. i don't think it did anyway. i've been having all of my mail forwarded to [email protected], but beer.com has been giving me attitude lately. so, anyways, sean, e-mail me again. or i'll mail you from a different account.

we've begun working on a Chinese composition in band. it's hard. or maybe it's that i'm not motivated enough. and i'm GRRRed because, sitting on either side of me, are underclassmen who apparently haven't yet learned to laugh. and ann-marie has been avoiding me like the plague for some reason. i don't get it. we laughed so much last year, it was cool. she asked me to sign her yearbook so i did and i gave her my e-mail address. she didn't e-mail. i don't get it. what makes people act this way?

it's gorgeous outside. megan and i had lots of laughs today. mrs. bagel. WHEW! i'll have to add that in my senior write-up for yearbook. oh yes. "nicknames: al, allieoop, sugh, ... , and mrs. bagel."

i have to clean up the (messy) kitchen now. bye all.

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford