shtuff again.
16:25:52 - 2000-05-03

hey-yo all. so i slacked off, didn't study for SATs at all. bless your soul, trav. the practice test. simple things lose me.

i talked to a guy today through napster. he was faintly discussing his past sexual experience (nothing specific, naturally)...he's had some bad ones, so he's like, anti-sex now. i feel kinda bad. makes me hope that i have luck in love. well, i mean, i hope that i have luck in love anyway. but as far as sex goes, i would hope...well, i hope a lot of things for love. i can't really expand on that, i guess. yep, i tried 'n' failed. but i bet you understand what i'm saying.

everyone's going on a diet. not i. especially not for prom. i said screw it a while back. because i eat this way all the time and i haven't gained or lost a pound since 8th grade and i'm HAPPY with myself. (what a concept. the media lost its grip on me, apparently).

i LOVE the song "porcelain" by moby. THIS is the song on the car commercial. THIS is the type of music i want to write. THIS is the type of music i could listen to all day long and not get sick of.

so i went to see that video on native american mascots today. twice actually. i was against changing our mascot (scarborough redskins) before, but that video completely changed my view and i feel dirty for haven't been anti-change before.

well i have to go- mama kicking me off. chat with you all later. same bat time, same bat station.

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford