punch me. hard.
20:03:03 - 2000-08-05

my dad was 40 minutes late picking me up today. got that? FORTY MINUTES. and i don't really like working with kevin anymore and i miss my friends and i feel like i'm wasting my life away. and i need freedom. i need my license. fuck, i need the motivation to GET my license. i just hate being dependent on people. that's all.

i bought a new cd, Nick Drake's "Pink Moon". it's amazing. sad and amazing and my brother took it to work with him. but jason's back now and so my cd should be as well. let's hope the past doesn't repeat itself, shall we?

i miss my mother. i miss the spirited person she used to be. she still is spirited, actually...it's just that i'm never around her basically. i work and see her maybe 1 hour each day. and that won't change when school starts. in fact, i may not see her at all some days. she has friends now. and she realizes how much she missed the concept of having a friend or two. she has fun at work, where her friends are.

why is it i deal with assholes everyday at work? you know...those people who think their lives will come to a halt if they have to repeat something for me. those people whose voices are a whisper in comparison to their insanely loud vehicles, and then have the audacity to talk to me like I'M the shithead. and yet i still smile. god. i should just find a place where i can stock things all day and not be obligated to have any interaction with the public.

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford