talking to a brother who isn't really reading
16:06:37 - 2000-03-06

i thought those damn tests started today. but alas, they begin tomorrow. waste of time. oh, i got an enthusiastic "hello!" from the University of Hartford today. kind of far away. plus they think my major will be music, which it surely will not be...i have been thinking a lot since i took the PSATs <---another waste of time. at least a 4 hour drive. i tried taking another survey for a college search. then i closed the program. i just can't bring myself to be enthusiastic about it. i will be eventually though. i will get completely fed up with the way everything is over here. so i will fill out a survey, an application, get accepted, leave maine, get settled in. then, in time, i will come to find that everything is exactly the same, regardless where i am. ha.

is it bad that i don't have a prom date? i didn't think so. karie doesn't think so. you're so cool, hun, thanks for your encouragement. i wanted to ask ben, cuz he's a really cool friend. but he is apparently against prom so, i guess that thought's out. but it's okay. i know my friends will all be amazingly cool about it at prom. Wonderful Tonight. yes, i finally listened to the lyrics, and remembered why i didn't vote for that song as our theme. he was drunk, she brought him home and put him to bed and he thought she looked wonderful? ummmmmm no thanks, that's a terrible prom theme. the title is fine, but the song? no. i voted for *the way you look tonight*. don't you all think that would be nicer to see on a banner? yeah, me too.

i'm listening to system of a down right now- spiders. yes, j, i like your music, aren't you happy? your sister is somewhat cool now, yay! (megan, see you have me saying "yay" now:o). j/k,j, i know you think very highly of me and just never admit it to me. you tell mom. mom's not good at keeping secrets, did you know that? well you do now(c;

the primaries are tomorrow. don't care. i keep away from the political scene because there are always things about each candidate that i both like and dislike, therefor disabling me from making a decision and being totally satisfied with it. but i can't vote anyways, so i don't have to even worry about having that responsibility for a couple of years. hrmmm i don't have anything else to say i suppose.



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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford