and after the storm settled...
10:47:40 - 2000-03-18

i'm watching Toys on comedy central. this is a far stranger movie than i would have imagined.

right now i am explaining stuff to stef. but i won't go into that because then i will have to answer questions to someone else and oh my god she just told me something greg said. greg, you will read this eventually. what the hell is up with the things you say to her? do you not THINK??? you know i have a lot of respect for you but sometimes you just surprise me and much of the time, it's disappointing surprise. if you had said that sort of stuff to me when we were together, i wouldn't have spoken to you for days. you're lucky stef is strong.

in other news, i saw Mission to Mars last night. good movie. it was a pretty sentimental movie, i wasn't expecting that sort of thing. i liked it a lot though. sarah didn't like it at all. said it wasn't realistic. kind of funny coming from a girl who faithfully watches vampire slayings and Star Trek. LoL(c; love ya hun. and sarah and i both wanted to get violent with the child behind us. this 9-yr-old would not shut his fricken trap the entire movie. she and i were laughing when we looked at each other, but it was alllll frustration. the kid was kicking my seat too. i love kids. but not this little bugger. no. bad things could happen to this child and i would not flinch. okay i'm just kidding about that last part.

i don't like what i'm wearing right now. i think i will put my syracuse sweatshirt on. maybe. i want some quality jeans too. the one pair i have are too big for me and the button fell off, so now i have to use a safety pin to hold them together. Arizona jeans suck. that's what i say.

this movie...whoa. good toys vs. bad toys. yeeeah um...evil dudes with toys. it doesn't get any worse than that. i'm going to end this now, i think mom left without me cuz i haven't budged and she hasn't kicked me out yet. byebye

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford