just shtuff.
18:51:28 - 2000-09-20

hehe, lydia, you're phunny(c; i wuv you too. and good luck to you at the audition! kick ass.

the gang and i went everywhere in scarborough after school, including The Governor's, for a quick lunch. i got what i thought would be a good meal. um, no.

a friend of jason's sent him a copy of a program on cd that allows you to make mixes. it's pretty cool. he's havin' a little bit of trouble figuring it out but oh well. he'll get it eventually.

jason is everywhere i am in the house, it seems. i ought to just hang out in my room all day to have some silence.

i love the song "freedom" from vast. it even came on while i was doing the dishes. but then friggen dani (half-sister) called and i had to turn off the radio and talk to her. she annoys me. now she's saying she wants us to give chey a birthday party because they're coming down in november and chey's b-day is in december and we're going to miss it. oh my. who cares? she'd also said, "cuz i'm not that good at decorating or anything" so she wants US to go all out for cheyenne. you know what? she could at least offer to help. i would never just ask other people to throw a party. it's ridiculous. SHE is ridiculous. a lot of people are annoying me. geeeez.

cisco, get online, i need someone to talk to. please?

i want to write today. poetry. i've had a poem in my head since may and i can't figure out a way to make it flow. i feel so not happy right now. i am going to go. bye.

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford