"erika...do you want to play with my cheese?"
17:55:54 - 2000-09-21

today i started out in a really bad mood. it was all gone. but then mom asked me to make her something and i said, "how about popcorn and coffee?" and she said YES!!!!! and so i said ok and made her some and brought it upstairs to her. then she goes, "no soda? i can't eat popcorn without soda," which kind of pissed me off.

i have to do all of my precal assignment today. i didn't know it was due tomorrow. oh well.

i know the root of my bad mood, but i just really don't wanna talk about it to anybody. it all centers around one specific person. and damn it, why is he never online?

jason's been making more mixes. he stays on the computer for hours. kinda like me. ha.

i told kegler that j and i were talking about him last night and he goes, "all bad things i hope," in that monotone voice of his. and i said that j's going to costa rica at the end of the month. kegler's response: "tell him to be careful...there's gorillas down there."

i was meaning to get the drowners cd, but i kinda forgot. maybe i should do it now since i've remembered.

the sophomore guys in my health class are cool. i'm kind of annnoyed with the girls. too much makeup, trendy clothing and energy.

i should probably go. lots of homework to do and stuff. byebye


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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford