i ain't yo' mama, kiddo
18:34:05 - 2000-11-26

i started an entry a while ago and i lost the power. don't we hate it when that happens? yes, we certainly do. so anyhoo, i shant go into detail as i had been doing before the power oh-so-rudely went out.

dani, scott and cheyenne are gone now. left about an hour or so ago. i most-likely won't see them for another 2 years at least. poo? yes.

i love jude. but oh, don't we all. megan, you should listen to the songs "love letters" or "paper towel." you're the only one who's ever shown an interest in the guy's music that i know of in our group.

my eye hurts. it's swollen. i'll check out a health website after i write this.

i miss my friends. a lot. i haven't seen or talked to any of them at all this week and that is bothering me intensely. i didn't get to hang out with them at all. and sarah, i got your e-mail at like, 11pm friday night or saturday night. whichever night you sent it. yeah. i was so sad after i got it because i would have liked to hang out so much. but noooo. got picked up from work and everyone was in the car and we drove directly to some restaurant for dinner and then went to see The Grinch. good film, by the way. but yeah...i missed you guys.

i really don't want to go to school tomorrow. i honestly don't feel like i had a vacation. i was with cheyenne constantly. everywhere i went, "mommy mommy mommy, can you play with me?" and don't ask why she was calling me 'mommy' cuz i have no clue. love her, hehe.

what else...nothing, i guess. see ya later(c:

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford