why is it ALWAYS cold in this room?? EH?!
15:58:50 - 2000-11-28

tonight is mom's and my day. she's taking a nap right now but i'm excited. we haven't been able to hang out for so long and i have so much to say. she does too.

i watched City of Angels last night. i don't know why, because i was in a sad mood anyway. i bawled during the very first scene. and then again, about 5 scenes after that. and then again, at the end.

there's a concert tonight. holiday bizarre, part 1. orgy, rustic overtones...wow, i can't remember the rest. there are a couple more, i know. don't wanna go. and to think, i could go for free if i wanted. but i know rustic will be playing mostly just their newer stuff and i don't really like it. i never liked orgy...or the other guys coming. but that is okay, because i'm going out with mom tonight and everything'll be peachy.

i was looking forward to taking care of a little kitty-cat today for a couple of hours, but it didn't happen because my aunt -- who has the kittens -- didn't call my mother back. so the kitty, which is a gift from my mom to a coworker, will be brought directly to its new owner and allieoopa doesn't even get to pet the precious thing.

dad stayed home today. i'm irritated, but i'll get over it. yesterday he was pretending to be sick and talking in a girly voice and being all, "i don't feel good" but not being able to even explain WHY it was that he didn't feel good. i prefer that he do what he did today- say, "i am going to take the day off."

my eye is still all pink and swollen. doesn't itch, though. i know it's not pink eye. monique thinks it's a pimple. and sarah thinks that it's something her mom dealt with as a nurse and that i'll need a needle put into my eye. i like the pimple theory better, muhself.

i hate health class again. it was ok for a while but now i'm getting really sick of the sophomores, and really fast. we don't do ANYTHING worth a damn in there. it's a complete waste of an hour of my day. hmph!

i need some food. later tater tots. mmmmmmmWA!

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford