happy happy joy joy, happy happy joy joy
17:01:27 - 2000-12-10

i really need to go christmas shopping! i have no idea what i am going to get anybody. it's craziness, i tell you!!

how'd the ACTs go, karie? how 'bout for you, sare-wuh?

i was initially hoping that sleet would happen tonight. but then i realized, if that happens, i'll have no way to obtain my precal materials and do a bunch of the assignment of which hayward says we should have "a good portion" done. poop. on me. no, scratch that. poop. on hayward. yes, that sounds better.

i worked for a whole 3 hours today. wow-ee and all that. few customers. kevin and i just sat around and discussed interesting things. it's too bad i don't have an uncle like him. that would be cool.

i'm in an excellent mood today. wish mom was around.

sarah, i watched buffy last night. i was laughing my ass off. tall, pale dude: "i am dracula." buffy (surprised and impressed): "get OUT!" and the end was a riot, too.

talked to my friend tina the other day. it isn't really fun talking to her anymore, unless i have interesting things to say and i dominate the conversation. otherwise, i always get sucked into talking about the girl she's in love with and the fact that this girl is with someone else and tina thinks there's still hope that they'll break up and she can catch her on the rebound. i love tina and everything but i can't handle this repetition. wishful thinking consumes her completely.

i finally wrote another poem. there was a time when i could write at least 2 in a day. now it takes me days to write just one. but you know what? i think they are getting better this way. karie liked it, at least, and i know karie really pays attention to sentimental shtuff. thanks, karie(c:

i wanna see the new dracula movie! WES CRAVEN IS DIRECTING IT! sarah, it is a must. megan? karie? ya'll are coming with me. ben must come too! ben would love to see it. he's into creepy stuff too. niiice, megan and i just discussed it. everyone will go. yesiree.

well...what else. nuffin, hehe. catch you LATER, MAN!

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford