22:46:15 - 2001-02-10

eka liked strictly ballroom. oh diary, i just KNEW she would!!

i worked 11-7 today. megan came to visit me! i love you, megan! (c:

i got a 50-cent raise. but it pissed me off more than make me happy, because matt was making $6.50 when he was hired (5 months AFTER i had been working there for $5.50) and now matt's gone and i'm only making $6. i feel...angry? yes. used? mm hmm. wanting to find another job just to piss off my boss? ohhhh yeah. hey shawn, maybe i'll go play at dunkin donuts. think i'll make more money? mebbe. anyhoo...

tomorrow is a busy, busy day. i have to wake up early (grrr) so i can go visit my grandparents (yay), then go to the mall, get some phonecards (yay again!) and and and, go to a movie with mommy! i love my mommy. did you know that? you do now, regardless.

sarah, are you feeling better? you looked scarrrrry yesterday in creative, and even worse when i saw you briefly at lunch. like you were going to collapse any minute. i hate being sick also. but i suppose that's a bit obvious. i don't really know of anyone who enjoys being sick. i'm going to quit while i'm ahead, hehe. i'm so retarded tonight. geez.

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford