yay, shawn's okay! (oo, a rhyme!)
22:00:39 - 2001-02-15

it's 8:30pm. SHAWN'S OKAY! REJOICE!

i have 3 tests/quizzes tomorrow.

so, i didn't finish my persuasive essay. i got the intro done, but that's it. i don't care enough to finish it. i had two weeks to do this. oops? hehe, yeah. *oops*

i have to work tomorrow. i guess that's cool. i get my check at least, right? yeah. kevin started crying last time. he basically told me his life story starting from when he married his first wife, until the present. but he's so dramatic about it, everything he says sounds so perfectly worded and thought-out. it's as though he's been waiting forever to move someone with his story. and i was moved, but it still sounded like a badly written film.

moo, erika! MOO!

i saw a picture of kyle dude when he was 6. hehe, you were a little cutie disney boy, kyle! funny shtuff.

guess what guess what guess what!? i'm wearing a SKIRT! that's right folks...i think it can be established now that i am *gasp*, indeed, female. (oh my!) see folks, i never dress girly. sometimes i wanna. you know? uh huh. mmmmmWA!

me...friends...AIM...now. hehe, later.

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford