i'm looking over a 4-leaf clover that i've overlooked before...
22:31:07 - 2001-03-17

lawdy lawdy, miss claudie, it's been a while since i last updated. well, for me anyway, because i'm usually anal about having a daily entry.

worked last night with a headache and came home to eat and go directly to bed. today i worked 11-7 (as usual) but it was extremely busy. we made over $500, whereas we generally only get $210...and that's on a good day. anyhoo, we have hard serve now. yeah. big event at my workplace. i was stressing out because i didn't get to sit down until 5 hours after my shift began. evil customers...don't get me started. grrr. BUT! i am awesome, fortunately, and didn't let them ruin my day! yeehaa!

i can't hear out of my left ear. uh-oh! hehe.

oh, by the way, happy st. patty's day, everyone. green is a great color. did you know that? well, you do now. mmm, green.

i have a poopload of shtuff to do tomorrow. i'm going through the list in my head, eliminating the things that aren't important enough to do. my bad? hehe. slackerrrr.

i had an awful dream last night. so awful, in fact, that i'm not willing to post it on sleeptrip. i think i woke up crying. i'm not sure.

i talked to my brother the other night. he's doing well, and lacrosse practice starts soon. i can't wait to go visit him with mom. she and i have so much fun when dad isn't around to stress us out. we just go and relax and enjoy every minute. and hey...being around attractive college males isn't so bad either.

megan came over on thursday to kill some time before going to a school project thing at a girl's house which is near mine. then she came back because they had canceled the get-together without informing her. nice people. yeah...not really. it was cool though, we hung out, watched tommy boy, had some laughs.

i'm basically just rambling now so i'll shush and give your eyes a break.

kisses and shamrocks,


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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford