hey pretty
3:20 p.m. - 2001-05-14

it's been a while since i wrote in here. figured i ought to, so you don't all think i was missing.

it's gorgeous outside. and the song "diary of a madman" sung by apc is perfect. so here goes my story...

i passed in my research paper finally, on friday. i realized when i looked at my works cited page, that i forgot to list a source. hebes is gonna give it back and make me do it again. hmph. that's okay though, i suppose. as long as i do well on it, right?

band is great. some days i wish i could go to school and just have band class all day. the songs are hard, but fun, and it's the last concert of my high school days. maybe this is just me trying to drag it out because i don't want it to end. the music really is nice, though.

anti-prom was cool. there was a guy there who looked like scott weiland. i kept stealing glances at him. it would have been cool if it WAS scott weiland, but you know...neat things like that don't happen. ivan klipstein was cool, he was alone in his performance. he can rap and hold a great percussion sound, too. maybe he was in an a capella group in high school or college.

for mother's day i bought my mom two cds. one of them was a stupid idea for a gift...bjork's "post". but the other was david gray's "lost songs" and she loves it. i made her a card which she cried over when she read. i also brought her out to lunch yesterday. she was happy.

i can't find my graphing calculator. cripes;o( this could be very bad.

i guess that's all i need to say. this entry wasn't interesting, i apologize hehe. bye(c;

kisses and incessant rambling,


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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford