free as a bird
9:10 p.m. - 2003-03-01


i'm home (scarborough). for good. well, you know...until i get my own place.

see, i had decided to stay at the apartment, but that was with the expectation that i would get the job at mcdonalds. but they didn't want me because i wouldn't be there long. so, after 6 applications and no luck, i realized there is no point in me staying there.

ben, my ben...honestly, what would i do without you? you're like an angel. that's why i call you that, you's not just a cute pet name. you always are there to help me. always. god, there is so much i could write here, i just don't know how to say any of it. writer's block, maybe(c: but i love you more passionately than i've ever loved anyone or anything. and i'm so grateful to have your love in return. ah, see? that could've said that so much more eloquently. i'm better with actions, i think. stick with me, kiddo, you'll see. i love you infinity times infinity, hehe.

it will be strange being back here for so long. but i will be working on getting my license. and it's actually going to happen, folks. it is. this 19 year old is finally going to get her fricken license!!!!! YAY!

i don't think i'll miss being at the apartment, aside from having more time with ben. i barely felt like i was friends with miranda anymore, since she spent every free second with tyler. it was just sort of sad...i ended up being more like a dogsitter to her than a friend. but oh well, it's over now. i will certainly miss george, though...he is a wonderful doggy. absolutely wonderful!

tomorrow mom and i are going to the mall. and who knows...allison may be making dinner if she can convince mom! pork tenderloin with sage and cornbread crust. mom said she might give me an actual job (with pay, i mean) of cleaning the house and making dinner every night. crazy, huh? i would feel weird about accepting money, but the job still sounds like a great idea, for experience.

i'm in a great mood. it's been quite a semester. bring on the rest.

love and transitions,


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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford