i'm going to be walking where ever i need to go for the rest of my life.
1:39 p.m. - 2003-08-13

okay. i've resolved that i'm going to buy a diaryland package in the fall. september. september 7th. yeah. on my berfday. (if i don't set a date, i'll back out of it and continue to feel like a leech off of andrew, which would be no good).

so! that gives me one more free month of diary-usage. yeah, man.

the star wars marathon was great fun had by all. i wish i hadn't fallen asleep sporatically during episodes 5 and 6, but what can you do. it was really nice to see all my friends. and i made white chocolate brownies, which wound up tasting like lemon bars, but whatever, they tasted wonderful. it was interesting to see the movies in order, the new movies first and then the trilogy. and i've changed my thoughts on the mismatched union of padme and anakin. i used to think that they had no chemistry, nothing in common -- anakin was a whiny brat and padme was a very responsible senator. but now i'm coming to think that perhaps their relationship evolved because they both simply needed love, something positive in the midst of all the chaos that was soon to get much, much worse. anyway, you all think i'm a huge nerd now. and you're all right! (c:

school is starting for everyone soon. SHS starts on the 29th, meg starts on the 27th...i can't remember when sarah goes back. hey, megan's berfday is coming up. i'd better get crackin' on my present for her! i feel like such a wanker because i was all, "oo, i'll make a collage of pictures of us for her birthday!" only to discover that i have no pictures of her and i. it's so bizarre! five years of friendship and not one photo in my collection. i made some drawings, too, but i've lost the talent i had for art. i guess that's what happens when you don't practice something for months and months. i'll think of something cool, though. yeah.

i'm really frustrated lately because my parents have basically decided that they've had enough of the helping-al-get-her-license routine. they won't let me drive anymore, for no particular reason, and now they're like, "we think you should take a driving course. you need it." and i don't need it. i just need hours so i can get my fricken license and they don't want to help, that's all. back when i took the driving course in junior year of high school, nobody showed me how to simply pull/back into a parking space. they taught parallel, and that was it. i've explained that to mom, and that all i need is more practice like what she's been giving me. but she prefers to say that she's just doing it wrong and that someone else could teach me better. it's all crap. once again, i am frustrated. and i'm PMSing. watch out, folks. the combination doesn't make for a pretty picture.

well, i'm going to go check on mom because she's been really down today and she's continuing her bad habit of sleeping whenever she's upset, like that helps anything. bye, folks.



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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford