some things are looking up, and some things won't change
3:21 p.m. - 2003-08-29

hannaford called me back! yay! i couldn't get ahold of them today but i left a message, so there is at least some connection made.

in other good news, dad just told me we're going to go looking for a car for me. OH MY GOD!!! A CAR! TRANSPORTATION! see i do need a little more practice driving, but mostly it's just learning to park. SO! i told mum that i would pay to get my name on their insurance so that we can get a car for me now and i can practice in it instead of their giant SUVs. blech to SUVs. mom says dad owes me a car because he bought two for jason. and although i'm not really big on thinking i'm owed anything, i would be really disappointed if i didn't get a car. anyway, not important. i'm getting a car and that's that, darn it.

oo oo, and i asked mom if i could repaint my room and she said if i can keep it clean for 2 months then i can. purple purple purple! different shades! ceiling'd stay white though. pretty pretty pretty!

in even more good news, i am not at work right now. really! check out how much work i'm not doing! HA! i think i'm gonna go exercise and then do other important stuff. gotta put megan's card together, make a cd for mom and work on ACOF stuff. i've been really unproductive lately, but that ends now, gosh darn it.

being productive and fit,


p.s. it's been three months now, karie, but i still check my e-mail everyday, hoping for something from you. i don't even know if you ever read this stupid thing anymore. sometimes i wish i could forget about you so that i wouldn't feel this disappintment every single day -- knowing that you don't care to talk to me and there's nothing i can do about it. you could say something here. please.

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford