oh lord, let me pass this real estate class...
9:43 a.m. - 2004-01-12

Hel-loooooooooooo! La la la!

I've been driving myself around lately and it's so nice. It feels pretty natural already, and I'm assuming that's because I'm 20 and not 16. I have a cute little cell phone now, too.

My real estate course is really interesting most of the time. However, sitting in a class room for 8 and a half hours is enough to really wear me out. By the 6th hour on Saturday and Sunday, I was ready to go to sleep and talking for two hours about the million different kinds of mortgages there are isn't exactly the most stimulating stuff. I'm glad I don't have class again until Saturday. I'm going to have to study a lot this week though, because I didn't do so well on the last quiz.

I spent the weekend at Ben's because his parents went up north to a bed and breakfast for their anniversary. They bought me a gift certificate to Vinny T's, too. Oh, cannoli, how I've missed you... Anyway, it was nice being able to sleep next to my boy. It was slightly tarnished by my having to wake up at 6:20am both days, but what can you do. Someday we'll live together and it won't be such a big event every time we get to sleep next to each other. Well, except it will be, because we're gonna love it.

I hung out with Jess and Darcey the other day. It was really fun. Jess and I just talked for a few hours and then went to Friendly's to get yummy food and much-needed ice cream. Then Darcey met us at the mall and we went to all the different department stores and looked at prom dresses because all three of us wish we could go again.

Well, that is my update! Now I need to go eat some good food. And I should probably take that left-over pizza box of my truck at some point. On the other hand, it's well-refrigerated out there. Ha.

Peace out!

-little pink ninja

P.S. that intro was a Seinfeld reference...hope you got it!

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford