the skinny
3:45 p.m. - 2004-01-23

hey-yo! i've been away for a while, i know. but here's i be, and here's what's new:

* the real estate course is over and i'll find out in two weeks if i passed or not. if i passed, i'll head over to prudential and get some training.

* my first day of work at starbucks starts monday at noon until 2, following which i will head to portland for a 5-hour starbucks "class." the rest of the week i've got about 20 hours or so of work there. the manager's stoked because my availability is wide open. yay! i'm hoping that prudential work won't affect starbucks work. schedule-wise, i mean. we'll see.

* i've been driving all over the place, and it's been really nice. the freedom.

* jim and his lady anya and jared came up yesterday and we all hung out and stayed the night here at ben's. it was a lot of fun and we ate plenty of cookies and chocolate. oh, sweet gluttony.

* i hung out with kevin at the library and got a bunch of stuff down as to what needs to be done next for Just 1 Day. i need to write to all of the superintendents of the greater portland area and see if it'd be possible to get J1D stuff in the schools, since the initiative isn't just for those of's for everyone. obviously. it'd be hard to get world peace if we only wanted about 4/5 of the world to get in on it. anyway. so i've gotta do that, buy some nice thick paper to look all professional-like when i mail the higher-ups in the government. and write letters to a bunch of peace organizations that never responded through e-mail.

* ben bought the first zelda and i haven't seen this game since i was itty bitty and used to watch my mom play through it. that's right, my mom used to be a gamer. she is awesome, and don't you forget it. anyway, so he's playing it right now and i want to watch it instead of write in here. toodles!

peace, love, fairies, and rupees,

the little pink ninja

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford