maybe everyone just crowds the groundhog and that's why he always runs back in. yeah. not snow.
1:20 p.m. - 2004-02-03

life is good, ya'll!

i started my job at starbucks last week and it's wonderful there. i mean, sure, it's all corporate and everything is convoluted, but everyone there is so nice and i'm learning a lot about coffee that i never would have known otherwise, since i don't drink the stuff. and i get tips, and HOURS. whoa. so i've got 25 hours this week and i guess mike (coworker) just got a new job so i'll be getting his hours. funky! i'll miss him, though. the few times we talked, he was really cool and mellow geeky dude, which made him awesome.

thursday made 2 years for benjicutie and i. we went out to vinny t's and ate yummy italian food for free, because his mom had previously given me a gift certificate. and i got ben to try cannoli. more importantly, he actually liked it. i rule.

when mom comes home i have to show her how to change her yahoo password because she thinks a friend of hers had been trying to get into her e-mail account. i think my mother is way too paranoid. i was trying to check her voicemail for her when were were in the car the other day and she was driving, and i asked for her password and she was all, "I'm not giving you my password!" like I was going to steal something from her! i got really upset with her but this latest incident with the e-mail account had convinced me that my mom is just a nutjob sometimes.

i don't have to work tomorrow. pretty neat-o, man! and tonight i'm hanging out with karie, assuming the enforcer doesn't tie her to a chair in fear that i might be a handsome guy instead of me. paranoid boyfriends suck.

well, i need some grub, so toodles!

bummed because it looks like snow outside,

little pink ninja

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford