a much-needed day off
10:30 a.m. - 2004-05-10

i'm feeling worlds better than i did when i wrote my last entry. yay! i have a lot of stuff on my mind, though.

first and foremost, i talked to miranda last night for the first time in almost a year. it was wonderful, but then she told me that george bloated and died. and she's already gotten another great dane. i can't believe he's gone. he died last november and she never thought to call me and tell me then. i keep thinking that maybe he'd still be alive if i'd been there. but he probably wouldn't be. i'm no great dane expert, and as much as miranda knows about them, she doesn't understand exactly how to prevent bloating, either. "don't let him drink water for too long," she'd say to me." and i'd ask her, how long is too long? but she never really gave me an answer. it's surprising to me that she would want another dog of the same breed and risk having the same thing happen. but that's miranda. i know she loved george but it doesn't change the fact that she doesn't respect animals the way i do. last night after she told me he'd died, she added, "but i got another one," like they're batteries or something. i miss him. even if he was as big as me, he was still my baby.

in other upsetting news, i was a maniac on the road after work yesterday and nearly got into an accident because i was so careless. i don't deserve to have a license. i'd really rather bike everywhere, or take a bus or a plane. and how can you apologize to someone on the road whom you almost injured? don't know. but the "thank you" hand signal can't really double for "holy shit i'm the worst driver ever i am so so so sorry." i gave it a try, anyway, though.

i have to go into work sometime and talk to the manager about one of my coworkers. all but a few employees hate this guy, and the others might, too, i just haven't spoken to them about it. but this guy is so disgusting and lecherous and me telling him that he offends me and is the most offensive person i've ever known doesn't seem to deter him. he needs to either keep his mouth shut or find somewhere else to work and other people to bother.

i am so hungry. i gotta go get some food. ben will be over soon...we both have the day off, and that's rare, so we're going to enjoy every minute of it. bye!

little pink ninja

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford