11:11:47 - 2000-07-09

yo. i smell good. why, you ask? well because i recently took a shower, of course!

okay...la la la, been a while since my last entry. did i talk about the 4th? well here's the scoop on that. i worked until 9:40. howeva, i was able to see some of the last fireworks through the fog. not clear at all, just the lights. hey, i'll take what i can get.

sarahhhhhhhhhhh i didn't ask for the ticket to Creed. i think i talked to you after you wrote that entry though, so we already cleared it away(c: it was very thoughtful of you to buy us all tix, but i never would have done it myself, tehe; nothing we plan to do ever happens. most of the time anyway.

i am never loaning jason money again. that's all i'ma say about that.

i want the girls to get together. been a long time since that's happened. i have monday off. and i'm here alone on wednesday. anyone? please? tehe.

sarah don't feel bad about the story, i've been editing my 2 stories for months and months. i've been trying to figure out something that is scary. answer: being alone with your dog in the night and he/she growling at something you can neither see nor hear. i can thank my peachy dog for that idea. and whatever was lurking in the woods that night.

i had a dream last night that my garage was the interior of mcdonald's and there were these aliens approaching. they looked human of course but everyone was saying, "they're coming they're coming, every 5 years they come!" and there were these 4 or 5 individuals walking toward us like they owned the place. aliens, definitely. so megan and i run into my back yard and there are these two mini airplanes. like big enough for one person to fit on. one of them looked like a classic airplane, wooden with the propeller and all that. the other was a blue plastic/metal material, smooth all over with no wings or propeller. the latter had a battery that needed to be charged, so i gave it to you, megan, and you ran inside the garage (mcdoalds) and charged it. then i don't know where you went, i was running around with karie with these gold coins, apparently thinking that they could somehow be manipulated to destory the aliens. well the leader one, was walking around the back of the house and he was saying, "do you really think you're going to hurt me with gold?" logical fellow, he was. so he kept walking after us (i HATE being chased...especially when you can't run as fast as you need to in a dream) and we were sprinting and we went to hide in one of my mom's garden. karie you were already hidden and i bent down to crawl in and there were snakes everywhere, a huge pile of them...small and big, slithering everywhere. so i picked up a couple of them, the biggest ones i could see, and hurled them at the alien guy when he came around. karie and i were on the front porch at this point. we started running back to where we came from when he threw the snakes back at me, in 4 pieces, and laughed. poor snakes! so then i'm alone for some reason and i sprint back to the garage, get the battery, and stuff it into the mini airplane. i don't even know how to use it, mind you. since there are no wings, though, i take my best shot and i run with it for a second, the i jump on it and i'm flying. so i fly over the roof and i kill the lead alien, who is at the side of the house. he has my family and he's about to kill them with the 3 glowing orbs when ZAP! i kill him with my oh-so-handy airplane laser. i then fly around the perimeter of the house, doing the same to the other aliens. then i woke up and said, i ROCK!


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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford