"you're the poetry man"
13:02:41 - 2000-07-02

i had a bad night last night when i got home from work. my dog was missing. he'd squirmed out of his collar somehow and went off through the woods. he was gone for over 6 hours. i was scared and thought i'd never see him again. dad and i went driving around twice and we called him for hours. i cried. a lot. he was here this morning. his leg is hurt again, he's been limping. but he's back!!! (c: (c: (c:

work was okay last night. there was a lot of tension between tricia and her dad, and it was rubbing off on everyone else. blah. but it was survivable. it's been busy, but i don't really think it had much to do with oscar's "birthday". we have to listen to the oldies station allllll the time now because ron put an ad on that station. now, i ask you, if you wanted to appeal to a large crowd, wouldn't you want your ad on a more popular station, like, oh, i don't know...97.9? just a lil' thought from allieoopaaa.

my cousin tanya wants the eminem cd for her 12th birthday. mom doesn't want to get it because "there are swears in it." oh, heavens, no! not SWEARS! as though tanya doesn't hear swears at home all the time and around her neighborhood with the white trash she hangs around with. she probably swears all of the time right now. that's what i did when i was in middle school. yeah. i thought i would be "cool" if i talked all grown-up. wow. the irony of it all; i'd sounded way less mature than intended. but i didn't realize it then. thought maybe i'd impress james because he was so gorgeous (and cocky)(and cruel)(and totally not worth my time...though i'd been convinced at the time that it was vice-versa). the nicest he ever was to me was making some comment about my ass in 7th grade to my friend. oh gee, how nice. ugh. why am i still talking about that dick??? BLAH!

iiiiiii am going over to sarah's camp at the beach later today, apparently. gonna meet some of her family, yay. beeeach. well, i am off!

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford