14:24:36 - 1999-10-12

the PSATs were today...math sucks, people. did you all know that? well you know now. Daria Duck has enlightened you.that book i'm reading is driving me nuts- the Stephen King one. The Long Walk. That's the title. The main character is very cool. what a treat that would be if he wasn't just a character in a nutty King novel. Like...if he was my next door neighbor, for instance. Mmmm, good shtuff.

school is driving me nuts, one of my friends is upset with me and the guy that used to be my friend, who blew me off last night, apologized today. but not a sincere apology. a brief, in-between-band-warm-up-numbers apology that hid the silent wish for me to hurry up and get over this. just a simple "sorry." and i was s'posed to get over him ditching me? yeah right. he can blow it up his ass.

i saw the movie Superstar Sunday night. Great movie! hilarious. I love Molly Shannon. "sometimes when i get nervous, i stick my hands under my armpits, and then i smell them, like this..." heehee, long live SNL!!

I have a Days of the New song stuck in my head- Weapon and the Wound.

well the other night i went nuts and wanted to do something outrageously wild, like flash a few cars. didn't happen. i guess i'm that seemingly innocent-minded girl down the road that nobody could picture as ever having a dirty thought. that's how i think people view me. i don't dress like a hooch, i don't hang over guys, don't flirt a great deal. yeah, i'm uh, livin' it up. but hey, college should be a barrel of fun, aye? hehe, we'll see. no rules but for those you set for yourself. mmm the free life. well, not much more to say here, keep reading my entries- who knows, someday i may have something a little interesting to say(c;

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford