08:33:28 - 1999-10-17

well it's sunday. mmm these halloween m&ms are yummy. the apple juice ain't bad either. yesterday i went into the city in pursuit of a shop i never found. my friend SD and i wanted to see this store, which is a New Age store, from what i've heard.

some online friend tried to scare me the other day. she IMed me about 5 times, all different screen names, saying weird stuff like i was charming, beautiful, a dork, and that she loved me. i knew it was her b/c the last screen name she used was the one she always uses to talk to me. so i was like, "what the hell was with that little episode a few nights ago?" and she acted at first like she had no clue what i was talking about. then she goes, "oh i was just trying to scare you." what an ass.

i should really be wearing me glasses right now! i'm feeling kinda weird without them, stuff is weird to see. my eyes are dizzy, man! oh no oh no what can i do?!?! but my glasses are alllllll the way up those stairs and the stairs are alllllll the way across the room and i'm just not gonna go.

my brother has glasses now. he didn't want to wear them at first b/c they just were "pointless." fashion before comfort is his motto, altho he'll never admit to it. to say that would just be unmanly like, and he's just so manly. and he's more vain than probably anybody knows. and he's got no time for family and he thinks dad's going to pay his entire way thru college and, and!!!!!! yeah! ok. bye diary.

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford