16:45:45 - 1999-12-13

hey diary! damn it's been a while! well i've been doing okay. i was kinda sad for a little while but it's over now. it's amazing what a night of nonstop crying will do for you. watch, i'll be emotionless for the next 6 months.

my concert is tomorrow, yeehaaa!!! i dunno how we're gonna do cuz friday everyone sounded great and today it was kinda rocky. i didn't play friday...i did today though. well well what does this tell us, diary? don't yell it out,'ll hurt my feelin's LoL. oh well. the concert seems like it's just run up behind us to bite us in the tushy. like BAM! surprise, here i am. oh well.

fights are over. well see nothing was really resolved, i guess...just that the two pissed off people aren't friends w/ everyone else anymore. well, pissed...hurt. i don't know what one of them is thinking cuz i don't really know her at all. but the other...i'm kinda worried about her. that's a whole 'nother story tho and i shan't be talking about it right now!!! aren't u glad?

(((megan megan megan))) guess what hun? my boss from the bake sent me a $25 gift certificate to the mall! how cool is that??? isn't she the sweetest? i'ma send her a nice christmas card now(c: but i REALLY don't wanna work there again this summer. i sorta feel like i should cuz she's been so nice, NO! i can't, i'd be miserable. i wanna work at a fruit stand or something. someplace where my coworkers won't suck.

i still haven't gotten the secret santa gift yet. i am so horrible hehe!

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford