clusters of badness
18:29:42 - 2000-05-17

travis, you wonderful guy, you updated finally. yay to you!

sarah, honey...i'm so sorry. i don't understand why bad things tend to happen in clusters, but they do and it's evidently your turn. not to say that it's some hex on you, because obviously it's not. but...i'm sorry. *hug* someone told me once that for as bad as one period of your life is, the next will be nice, two-fold. i think it was greg actually. that little piece of hope has kept me going for a long time now, i won't ever forget it. you shouldn't either. and i'm sorry about your grandfather. the only thing i can say is that at least you'll be little prepared when he passes. it's not exactly comfort, but you can at least have a chance to go over in your mind all of the things you would have wished you'd thought of if his passing had come all of a sudden. you can make your peace with it. and that you're asking God to take care of your grandfather...that's very beautiful(c: i know your stance on religion, and that's what makes it even more beautiful. love you, sarah. the girls and i will get you out of the house this weekend, babe. we'll make you smile.

hmmm okay well for everyone else...i'll make another entry so you can read my little story for english class i wrote last night. yay.

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford