whale dick...cool friday...growling tummy
08:47:54 - 2000-03-04

well dave thinks he's hot shit now because he got laid. i hadn't even talked to him for over 2 weeks (i don't talk to him 'less he IMs me) and then he just IMs me and says somehting like, "everyone has been asking me who it was i had sex with." i don't believe i've ever been so caught offguard. i told him i dind't think it was very decent of him to be flaunting that stuff around. and he goes, "oh, i'm just a very open person." bull shit, man. when i liked him (looooooooooong time ago), he wouldn't ever tell me anything. so, this means he just thinks it is sooo rad that he got laid. yeehaa, dave, i almost care. i kept bitching him out, telling him to stop talking about it because a) i didn't want to hear it and b) it was none of my business. eventually he shut up about it but it was obvious he wanted to still brag about it. so i left.

i went to the mall last night with karie and sarah. it was fun, they were happy because they had guys checking them out everywhere. we ate at thatchers. i don't know what the deal is with fries lately. are burnt fries *in*?

there is chocolate all over the phone because my dad is friggen disgusting and can't wash his hands off first. speaking of that douchebag, he woke me up this morning (at 10am), yelling that half the day was gone and i couldn't stay in bed all day. he has his nerve. he, who sleeps on the couch all weekend. he, who doesn't get up to go to work until 9 everyday because he knows he's the boss and can do whatever he wants. OH, EXCUUUUSE ME, DAD, YOU ARE UP BEFORE ME ONE DAY OUT OF THE ENTIRE WEEK. CRUCIFY ME NOW. can you just tell that i cannot stand him? yeah. well, that's the truth. i am getting out of this house someday. not going to visit him often either. i will just take mum with me because she is a coolbean and deserves to be rid of him too.

i watched Stigmata last night. a lot like Exorcist, but hey, it was creative. i recommend it i guess.

i'ma go eat now. i have been sitting here saying, "i'm hungry" but i haven't budged. time to stop being a dork and make something for real. have a lovely, lovely saturday. it's really beautiful here, sunny with a blue sky and evetything(c:

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford