19:45:18 - 2000-05-13

so, prom was last night(c: it was a very fun time and my right shoulder strap snapped and was reconnected by a safety pin (i was too amused to be upset), our napkin caught on fire from one of the candles, sarah spilled her glass of water all over the table only a few minutes after we'd been at the table, i spilled a case of flowers (i was so excited because JASON CAME TO SEE ME!!! i bolted it out there when dave --of all people. blech-- told me, and we gave each other a big hug and he was like, "i'm sorry i'm so late, i wanted to see you all dressed up so i rushed home, i even skipped a class." j goes to college in VT, and it'sa 4-hour drive, so i nearly cried i was so touched), and tupper knocked over an entire display. altogether, we did a decent amount of damage, i'd say. oh, then afterwards we were s'posed to go galactic bowling. wellll, monique's car broke down. so we trudged over to erika's house and hung out there for a while and then jason and katie (his g/f) came and picked me up. it was a good night, i enjoyed a lot. and i know now just how much i hate high heeled shoes. ask me if my feet hurt. i DARE you.

everyone looked so beautiful last night. i saw james there- my obsession object from the past. he started going to a private school a few years ago, and someone evidently brought him last night. he had always been a jerk to me because he didn't think i was pretty enough to deserve his respect. what a guy. *ah HEM* asshole. the other day i was talking to M and she mentioned that he'd be at prom. next thing i know, she's giving me this description of him hitting on her during the summer and them fucking. thoughts going through my head at that moment: *OH...MY...GOD i did NOT want to know this. i think...i'm hurl*. she goes, "yeah, he wouldn't give me the time of day back in middle school and now that i'd lost all the weight, he wanted me." and i was just in awe that she could have a one night stand with somebody who was so outrageously pigheaded. it seems worse than a one night stand with a stranger somehow. but what would i know. i just was shocked...i'd been best friends with this girl and she had always seemed to have such good values. oh well i guess. i'm not going to stop talking to her or anything. she's cool so long as she's not a close friend. if we keep it at "acquaintance" and can just make each other laugh every now and then, cool.

well mom made a cookie pie thing and i never got a piece so she said she saved one for me. hope it's still there. yummmmmm(c:

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford