18:15:31 - 2000-05-10


i had a dream the other night
with Lucifer chasing me
i ran as fast as i could
in the night, hoping to lose Him
but sometimes my feet just couldn't run
and on top of that, noen green liquid
appeared wherever i stepped
and i no longer had the darkness's shield on my side...
Lucifer would find me

the following night, dad told me you called.

i'd say it's a coincidence

but i know you too well


you are the ink
on the only book she's ever had
and did you realize
that she would fill the whole novel with you?
that she was prepared to?
it's hard to stay neutral
when she's like my sister
and you're acting so immaturely
i watch her turn the pages so desperately now
looking for traces of you
but hardly any can be seen
'cause you're disappearing ink
with a luring plan
and in her desperation
i struggle to close the book
so she won't be tempted to jump into it
and into you

***.not.yours.(written about shitstain).***

rip me to shreds
if that's what makes you smile
your smile, my goal
goal achieved, my strength gone...

damp eyes, but not yours


i'm so tired
and these murmurs only intensify the feeling
the only thing that really keeps me from sleeping
is the fear of never waking up
friends come and friends go

t h e t r u e o n e s l e a v e u s o n l y b y d e a t h
and so i'm terrified now
of losing all i have, all this love...
i'm so tired, but i won't sleep
i'll never sleep
what if i close my eyes and it's all over?
doesn't seem worth the risk to me.


i would wish for the stars
if it would make me capable of touching them
i would wish for a thousand pink sunsets
if i knew they'd be as breathtaking as tonight's
i would wish for all the answers
if it would allow me to lead a perfect existence

and i would wish for Heaven
if i knew you would be there

...hope you liked my poems and please don't plagiarize, it's not cool. thanks(c:

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford