mostly a big rant.
12:31:51 - 2000-04-17

well i'm back. woohoo. the weekend wasn't at all was i'd hoped it would be. i missed people. including my brother, whom i saw all weekend. he and i will never have anything to talk about. i feel as though my family has fallen apart and mom and i are the only ones left. mom and i were bitching at each other this weekend too. that wasn't anticipated at all. katie was around.

i have the job at oscar g's. cool. my first day of driving is thursday. i have an eye appointment on wednesday after driver's ed, the same day as my day of training at the new job. hopefully my pupils will have returned to normal size by the time work starts. i'm not too thrilled with the idea of looking like a bat my first day.

so yes, i am tired and disappointed. i came home and found my dog had been malnutritioned all weekend. poor thing came running to me like i was God.

oh, speaking of which. i passed a lot of churches and catholic schools on the way home. what's the deal with them. i don't understand why it is always so white and uniformed. it's as though you're expected to be something more than human when you are on the premises. why? if god sees us all of the time, why should we act so differently upon entrance of a particular building. that's all it is, anyway. a building. if god exists, i don't think he dwells in churches. he's live everywhere, be everything. i'm rambling like a complete bitch right now.

i had a lot of fun on friday(c: megan, sarah, karie and i ordered pizza and stuff. 'al, pizza isn't chinese food, you know.' good call. but the chinese restaurant which always delivered before, decided to be short on help when we called. oh well. it was fun getting drunk on pizza that tasted like beer. megan says: "look! i'm seaweed!"

hey guys, i asked katie if she'd drive us to prom. actually this only impacts you, sarah. i don't want to risk letting tupper drive. a) i've never seen the kid drive and b)if for some reason we would get pulled over, we wouldn't be able to squirm out of it by having him lie, i don't care how good he is at lying. prom night seems like a very bad night to go to jail, hehe. so let's just have katie drive us, k? she's 20, not like an old parent or something. i asked jason but he doesn't give a poo about anything unless it gets him closer to katie, so is it ok if we just have her drive us?

btw, i saw JOSH this weekend - that college guy i used to think was so wonderful in every way (silly me). he's nice. he was extremely annoying during the lax games and i wanted to smack him a few times, but hey, what can you do. some guys are 20 stuck in the body of a 12 yr old. it's so easy to pick out the people who are popular. they always find each other over there. everyone similar finds each other tho. it's sort of strange, but fascinating at the same time.

jason made some nice attempts at scoring. he didn't score, but there was one pass he made that was insanely nifty. the other team was ganging up on him and so when he was about to go down, he glanced backwards really quick and made a shot behind his back to a teammate on the other side of the field. that player actually caught it and went to score. i can't really explain how cool it was, but if that guy had scored (jeff, i think?), it would have been very inspiring. woohoo, jason, you rock.

i watched american beauty this weekend. with mom. yikes...
it was a really good movie though. funny, even, in some parts.

i need to eat. take a shower later on too. there was a large spider in the bathroom of the hotel, so mom and i didn't shower. gag. i really dislike that hotel now. when they wash the friggen sheets and make the beds, i don't want to lay in other peoples' head and pubic hairs. i slept on top of the covers last night. it was cold and uncomfortable and i think holiday inn sucks ass. raunchy.

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford