fun entry
14:12:22 - 2000-03-15

found some little poems in my old journal thing. here's a few choice lines i found...

" i remember how i used to be, fooling myself

that i was so strong ... reality hit me like a blow to the eye, and i awoke with a bruise i will always have "

here's another...

" and if you'll be my personal dream catcher, and dance with me in the rain
then i'll confess to you what i've felt since met you.
P.S. i love your eyes "

and here's a less than cheerful poem i wrote in december. fear not, al feels all better now(c:

" rip me to shreds
if that's what makes you smile
your smile, my goal
goal achieved, my strength gone

damp eyes, but not yours "

onto actual diary material...

i have a ticket for incubus now. what's with service charges?? you estimate and they throw you a curve by jacking them up again. GRRR!

i was framed for looking at porn. dad looks at internet porn. it was in the history window, mom saw it. mom confronts dad, dad denies it. okayyyyy so she then concludes that it was ME. somehow i don't see that as logical. why would i look at a site labeled "slut city"? THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO 'HMMM'.

school was ok. i still haven't had algebra this week. hey! i found my book! apparently it was never lost; it was shoved flat against the back of the tiny square section of my locker. that's $50 i don't have to pay Kegs, my friends. beautiful!

well there isn't much else to say i guess. i'm going to spend tonight editing my stories again and seeing if i can add more onto them. last night was the same thing. and i lit all the candles in my room. all i need is that guy megan conjured up who is cute and gives massages! hrmmmmm i bet he lives in california(c; he's out there somewhere. i want to go to the caribbean. oh, so random i is. mmm and you all LOVE it. this is all for now, byebye!

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford