well slap me silly and call me a donkey!
11:45:23 - 2000-06-15

here is my nightmarish yesterday story. yipee, you're psyched.

the party started out so great, we just went to the cottage, were listening to loud music, playing touch football on the beach. sounds nice, doesn't it? well it was!

then we all decided to go to the store. we could have walked, considering it was probably about 500 feet away. but no. we wanted to drive. so we did. except the licensed person didn't drive; sarah did. i don't know why the hell i didn't say something. i'm supposed to be the party-stopper, the sensible one, the annoying one. not yesterday. yesterday i acted like a complete ass and went along with it all. seemed harmless. wasn't though. cuz on the way back from the store, we were pulled over by the police for a routine seat belt check. was i wearing my seat belt? oh of course not! that would have been the LOGICAL thing to do. so when they pulled us over, they of course found out that sarah wasn't a licensed driver. to make THAT long story short, sarah's dad came and the party was off.

but then i figured, well, maybe everyone can come over to my house and monique can have some birthday cake and open her presents somewhere other than the car. but i had no key and all of the doors were locked. so tim went into the cellar from a ground window and unlocked the front door for us. so we go in and everything's "cool". monique liked her cake and presents and all that. tim and monique were very upset with each other, however, so tim said he was taking monique's car to get some cigarettes. but he was so pissed off that he floored it and ran right over my basketball hoop. yes, the entire thing was lying on the ground. that is quite an impact, considering it was CEMENTED INTO THE FUCKING GROUND. so the metal is completely bent and compressed at the cement. there's more...monique's car is wrecked. the bumper...well, there isn't a bumper anymore. the headlights were dangling from the car and windshield fluid was leaking steadily.

i told my mom and dad everything. dad didn't care, i don't get it. he said, "you're okay, that's all i care about." ummmm ok dad. does anyone else think that's weird? i was expecting to be bitched out till the sun went down. not to worry, though, mom bitched me out enough for the both of them. i'm better with her having yelled, though. but megan pointed out yesterday that we didn't learn anything new. that is true. we knew we were supposed to have our seatbelts on. we knew sarah didn't have her license. we went along with it for one reason or another. we just didn't think. we were all so fired up and psyched for the the real fun to start that we weren't being sensible. my dad wants tim off the road. he's all (in his big man voice), "i want his address and license plate number and i want the insurance company to go after him." *sigh*. tim kinda scares me when he's mad. i'm numb. except for my knee of course. oh i forgot to mention that...i pulled something in my knee apparently because it kills so bad and i can't straighten my leg or put too much pressure on it. i've been limping all around the house, i feel so screwed up.

i'm so angry with myself. all i had to do was say i wasn't comfortable with sarah driving and we'd have been all set. i would be sleeping right now, still tired from the endless fun i'd had the night before at the party. *sigh*. i'm going to eat a danish now. pop tart danish. (they're not very tasty, so you all know, for future reference.) bye.

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford