all smiles, despite the funny smell
12:47:51 - 2000-07-25

YESSSSSSSSSSSSS! KARIE SAID SHE'D WORK FOR ME TONIGHT! thank you soooooooooo much, karie, i know i kept thanking you on the phone, but thank you soooooooooooooo much!!!

i hate calling there to tell ron that i am having someone work for me and him having this tone of voice like, "you're not working tonight because you're going to a CONCERT?" it's know what, man? i fricken NEVER ask for days off. since i've worked there, i think i asked for one day off, until recently when i asked for tomorrow through friday off so i could heal from the wisdom teeth thing. maybe the concert isn't a big deal to him, but it is to me. so blah! melissa is quitting. i'm so sad, she's like, the only person i can stand working with, 'sides pat or sarah. oh, speaking of sarahs, sarah, you're hired, lady! he had his interview with pennie yesterday and after she left he was asking me what i thought of her, and then he mentioned your name and asked if i know you, and i said we're friends and i told him you'd do a good job. we will have fun.

i saw X-men with my friends on saturday night. it was really fun, and it was nice to see ben again. we just drove around aimlessly afterwards, but it was fun also.

senior t-shirts are yellow. with red trim. i think drew has outlived his presidency. and because nothing is politically correct, our idea for senior t-shirts (which i thought sucked anyway, to be honest with you) wasn't approved. so now we've got a bunch of random shit written all over it. i don't even want one anymore. ew.

you know, it really smells bad in here and i swear jason and katie do here. i'm positive actually. because jason doesn't speak when unnecessary. and today when i said, "gawd, it reeks in here." he goes, "like what?" in a tone was was definitely masked fear. GROSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.

well here i am in my squeaky swivel chair, listening to soul coughing's "soft serve" and i'm a happy gal. oh, now it's bryan adams's "have you ever really loved a woman?" and THIS song is beautiful too. happy allison. megan is gonnnnnnne but i left a message so she'll respond eventually. yay, life is good again.

i'll end this now(c:

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford