kudos to robert smith
15:26:32 - 2000-06-22

hey!!! i am so happy, i've been looking for a song by The Cure that i heard on the radio and thought was the prettiest thing. guess what? i just bought a cd today of theirs (bloodflowers) and the first track, "Out of This World", is the song i fell in love with!!! today is definitely a great day.

i had a dream last night that the whole school was in the auditorium. it was some tribute assembly to those we'd lost during the year. not celebrities, but students' and faculty members' family and friends. there was a performance of weird dances, like ballet except not. suddenly the auditorium was filling up with water and (large) mermaids were eating people. there were red roses in opened boxes all around. my friends and i were running together, and we saw a sea worm (it was very large also) and he said he would help us escape. but he had sliced himself open on one of the chairs, and he was trying to stuff his organs back into him body, but then he sliced his most important vein (do worms have veins?) and he sadly brought it to our attention. a second later, he was dead. then i was separated from my friends, still running. i was on the stage among the chaos, bolting behind the play's scenery and dancers. i did manage to escape. then i was in the library and the school wasn't the same high school i knew. it was huge, though. i asked someone for help to find the gymnasium. it was as though the incident in the auditorium had never happened. then i wound up in the gym of the now-intermediate-school, wondering why i'd wanted to find it in the first place. i woke up, just as confused awake as i had been in the dream.

i was supposed to go visit greg today at the Golden Arch institution but mom and i never got around to it. sorry, gobi! i will try again tomorrow, k? a'ight.

*sighs happily* everyone should listen to this song. god, it's beautiful. hypnotic.

i couldn't go over to megan's house last night. this morning, shawn played the ultimate joke on me. told me that tupper accidentally had crashed into megan's garage door and the repairs would cost $2000. given tupper's history, i easily fell for this. good one, shawn.

i'm working tomorrow, 3-9. i wish i worked with karie every now and then. sheesh. it's been a month i think since we worked together last. i'm so bugged with the job, i should just ask ron if i can work with her. greg is making more money than i am. i should go work THERE.

it's so hot outside. really beautiful. a little wind would be nice, though. i think my dog agrees...poor thing. he's been laying out on the front porch all day in the shade on the cement, panting like crazy.

i need a shower. baaaad like a billy goat, man. icky. that is a-okay though. you know why? because i am in a zone right now and nothing seems necessary. kind of a profound thought...if you think about it. ha.

i want to see my friends. i miss them.

i should really write some poetry soon. welllll i haven't anything else relevant to say, so i'll leave it at this. bye(c:

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford