weirdos...improvement...childhood memory
10:46:30 - 2000-02-05

people can be weird. they like you, then they don't. this being without anything happening to provoke a change. and you ask and ask, what did i do. and they say UGH! and walk away without answering because they don't have an answer-- they just feel like being different. or they give you some cheap excuse about you having been a bad friend. i don't know why i just thought of this, because it hasn't happened to me in years. well, actually, it's happening to a friend of mine now, so that must be why.

mom's feeling a tad better, at least she can breathe through her nose now.

dad got pissed last night cuz of the tv thing. took him like an hour or 2 to fix it. ah, the things i accomplish without meaning to!

i bet i won't really care for today, cuz there's nothing to do. it is saturday though, and this is much better than being in school because i am not required to think.

i missed the honor roll by two points in one class. kegs,'re startin' to get me mad.

so here's a rant: i can't remember much of my dreams anymore. i used to wake up and have an entire movie-type thing to remember, but not anymore. they were really cool too, i wrote them down and they were stories. unfinished, but stories nonetheless. that's a funny word (if you can even call it that)- nonetheless. i learned it in 6th grade. took me a while too, which is stupid. i could spell stupid words like colonel, and know that it was spoken as "kernel." but ask me to combine 3 simple words, and i'm stumped.

so Mrs. Williams asked us to write down a childhood memory for Monday. what fun! hehe. so i chose one from nursery school, when this one day, i brought a tiny Pound Puppy (you all remember them- the cuties! and they were waaayyy better than Beanie Babies or those frigged up Teletubbies) to school and i didn't wanna listen to Ms. Frisbee read Charlotte's Web (i'd seen the movie a zillion times, so i was bored). so i went to a corner and was talking to my stuffed animal, hugging it and not giving story time any of my attention. oh, bad me. bad girl! so the teacher took away my doggy. but would Al stand for this?!?! NEVAAA! i cried and cried until she gave it back. so THERE! don't screw with Al's poochies, she gets maaad. m-e-m-o-r-i-e-s can be fun...(note the words "can be"). all for now...later

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford