Seinfeld...DVD?? ugh!...sicky mommy...milk, yummy...awww how sweet
16:50:34 - 2000-02-04

i'm watching Seinfeld, and just finished The Haunting. I was in kind of a poopy mood today. still am, i guess. it has to be some pre-period thing. cuz i have no real reason to be less than peachy.

i tried to watch Stir of Echoes on DVD today. well gosh, could it be any trickier to see it?? i tried the one on the computer and it froze. i tried the family room one and that was sooo confusing that i gave up...only after i screwed up the tv (naturally;o).

i should probably edit my buddy list. i forgot my friend Kris, as i mentioned before...and my sort-of friend Josh who's a friend of my brother's at college in VT.

heehee, this show is so funny.

my mother is sick. i have been taking care of her. it's only a cold, but she never gets babied, so i'm hookin' her up with some service. -purr- i can't stop purring. purr purr purr, all the time.

i like milk. did i ever mention that? well, i do.

hey, jerry's a wereworlf. cool. oops, no he's not. well anyways, sarah's probably not feeling too snazzy right now. i told her i'd bring over Gone With the Wind, but it's 8pm now and dad's taking a shit (and it takes him 2 hours longer than every other human being in the universe), and mom's sleeping. i will try to bring it to her this morning.

ugh, i don't like the focus of jewelry on Valentine's Day. i think it's the little things that make a girl feel really loved and wanted. my brother's first g/f (who used to be cool before she went to college and became obsessed with drinking) once told me this story about her and jason. they were sophomores and hadn't been going out yet. she really liked corn for some reason and the cafeteria hadn't had any, so she was kinda complaining about it in algebra. he was in her algebra class and he walked up to her and said, "i will bring you corn." i would be rolling on the floor laughing if a guy walked up to me and said that. anyways, sure enough, after school that day, he was at her house with a can of corn. that's how he showed her that he liked her. isn't that sweet? and not only that, but it's unique. i would say it's basically guaranteed that that situation will never be duplicated. -sigh- kinda sweet, ain't it? yeahhhh...(c:

i will leave you with that, so you can be smiling and sighing with dreamy thoughts. goodnight!

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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford