13:06:13 - 2000-04-06

i feel a lot better than i did last night. in fact i cried last night, being the baby i am. so stressed and pissed and wanting to never go back to school. but i was fine after i had my stupid little fit. i've had tests and quizzes all week, failed most of 'em. i usually don't do that. plus driver's ed and so i haven't seen much of mom all week. when i tried to vent to her last night, she interpretted it as me wanting sympathy, not at all my intent. it pissed me off so much this morning when she said that. but i explained to her my side and she gave me a hug. hadn't expected that. in other news....

we had a fire drill this morning. it was nice being outside for a while. then the intermediate (sick phucks, aye? littluns!!!) school came and that changed our schedule. not a bad thing - the schedule alterations. because i forgot my gym clothes today and since we only had 20 minutes, we didn't have to change. but i am angered that these stupid bomb threats are moving down to the 3rd-5th graders. all they have to do is scribble something silly on a bathroom wall and they get out of school. they know how it works.

i don't want driver's ed tomorrow. it's terrible that i dislike it already. i'm so unenthused about driving now. just let me go, man! i don't care anymore, i'll get a bike and just ride around to where i need to go. 'least that way, my legs will get really strong. i'm such a dope i don't know why i don't do that all the time. it's my legs i'm self-conscious about. ple!

well i'm off, peaches and kisses to you all...


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I am: 23 years old, living in sunny CA, sassy, silly and open-minded

loves: laughter, sunshine, animals, pretty music, my ultra-cute boyfriend, art, and all things chocolate

hates: war, months of nonstop rain, bugs in my kitchen, closed-mindedness, and expensive stuff i want but can't afford